Popup Culturama Cancelled
Yorkshire West Indian Culturama is sad to announce all Popup Culturamas, our main cultural project, promoting Caribbean heritage in the north, will be placed on hold until further notice – but we hope, not for too long.
Indeed, we have plans already in the offing for Popup Culturamas in 2021 when we will be back building stronger communities and promoting community cohesion. By the time 2021 comes around we are confident everyone will be ready for some much needed fun, music and dancing in the streets. So, keep coming back for new and information.
In the interim, if you wish to receive a food pack from our pop-up food bank, please make arrangements using the contact details below. The network is endeavoring to support anyone who really needs help.
Alternatively, if you would rather donate please use the details below.
Donation Information:
Sort code: 08-71-99
Account number: 15993908
Reference: PFB8862
Account Name: Yorkshire West Indian Culturama Carnival Netword Ltd.
Contact Information:
Yorkshire West Indian Culturama Carnival Network Ltd.
The Calypso City
6 Queen Street,
Unit 16,
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom,
HD1 2SQ.
Tel: 01422 400 180
Main Contact: 01422 400 180
UK Carnivals: 07584 926 340
Carnival Cultural Arts: 07920 438 821
Workshops: 01904 501 448