Yorkshire West Indian Carnival Network

Costume Making Workshops 2019

YWICCN Work Shop

Our costume making workshops are a creative outlet for all our communities and are free of charge for everyone. Children accompanied by parents, teenagers and adults, are all welcome.

The workshops include instruction of creative costume and mask making, masquerade and traditional Caribbean dance, all paraded around the different islands of the Caribbean annually.


All who attend will have a great feeling of creative expression while taking away an awareness of the Caribbean’s vibrant culture.

Creative Session Days, start time 2pm and finish at 6pm (ish!)

  • Friday 8th March 2019
  • Saturday 9th March 2019
  • Friday 15th March 2019
  • Saturday 16th March 2019
  • Thursday 4th April 2019

Free refreshments will be provided on each day.