Yorkshire West Indian Carnival Network

Coronavirus (COVID 19) Food Bank – Yorkshire

YWICCN COIVD 19 Food Bank Huddersfield

Welcome. We hope you and your family is fit and well.

With the terrible coronavirus (COVID-19) still taking hold in our community, it is more important than ever people stay at home as much as possible and try to avoid close contact with anyone they do not live with. However, the economic impact of the lock-down measures on families is having a detrimental effect on some people’s health and well-being in our community. Many people are not able to work and have lost livelihoods.

Yorkshire West Indian Culturama Carnival Network have taken a pro-active approach to tackling this problem. Throughout the pandemic our team has been raising funds to purchase and deliver food to the most vulnerable people in the Yorkshire area throughout the Coronavirus lock-down. This service has been an essential lifeline for many, particularly the elderly and those who visited our street kitchen – which we can not run at the moment due to the lock-down restrictions.

If any local shops, such as grocery stores, would like to donate food in support, please do not visit the Caribbean takeaway in Lockwood, please make arrangements using the telephone or email contact details below. Please do not visit the business premises because of Covid 19.

Likewise, if you wish to receive a food pack, please make arrangements using the telephone or email contact details below.

Alternatively, if you would rather donate through the bank account, please use the below account information. Cheques payable to Yorkshire West Indian Culturama are accepted.


Donation Information:

Sort code: 08-71-99
Account number: 15993908
Reference: PFB8862
Account Name: Yorkshire West Indian Culturama Carnival Netword Ltd.


Contact Information:

Yorkshire West Indian Culturama Carnival Network Ltd.
The Calypso City
6 Queen Street,
Unit 16,
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom,
HD1 2SQ.

Tel: 01422 400 180


Finally, we would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to those people who have supported our work with effort or donations, and leave you with the governments latest message.


Stay alert. We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

  • Stay at home as much as possible
  • Work from home if you can
  • Limit contact with other people
  • Keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • Wash your hands regularly
  • Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.


Food Bank Images